Palliative Care Lunch Learn Winter Series – Palliative Symptom Management Kit

Date – January 16th, 2019

Presenting: Nikita Matichuk

A Palliative Symptom Management Kit (SMK) is available for palliative care clients who require access to medications and supplies needed in urgent palliative care situations in the home. The SMK includes enough medications and related medical supplies that are required to manage the palliative client’s distressing symptoms in the home for a 24 to 72 hour period. The purpose of the SMK is to relieve anticipated or escalating end of life symptoms; optimize the client’s chances of remaining at home as per their wishes; and avoid unnecessary emergency room visits.

Learning Objectives:

1) Understand the process for using/ordering the SMK

2) Review the drugs contained within the SKM

3) Understand the indications for each drug within the SMK

Lunch & Learn Poster -January 2019-pub